Recon 2024

Nils Rollshausen

Somehow — and without ever having owned more than an iPod — Nils fell down the Apple rabbit hole and now spends their days reverse-engineering Apple's devices and uncovering the bits of magic hiding inside the machines that surround us every day. After a long day of breaking things with Frida in new and interesting ways, they also enjoy building new stuff once in a while. Currently, they are pursuing a PhD in computer science at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab (SEEMOO) of TU Darmstadt.


WatchWitch — The Apple Watch Protocol Stack from Scratch
Nils Rollshausen

We take a deep dive into the wireless protocols that power the Apple Watch and its deep integration into the Apple ecosystem, reversing and re-implementing them as we go — starting from foundational transport protocols all the way up to synchronization of sensitive sensor data. Along the way, we will encounter many a proprietary protocol, flawed implementations of standards, and homebrew cryptography endangering Apple's famously strong security.

Presentation Hardware
Grand Salon