Recon 2022

Slava Makkaveev

Slava Makkaveev is a Security Researcher at Check Point Research. Holds a PhD in Computer Science. Slava has found himself in the security field more than ten years ago and since that gained vast experience in reverse engineering and vulnerability research. Recently Slava has taken a particularly strong interest in mobile platforms and firmware security. Slava was a speaker at REcon, DEF CON, CanSecWest, HITB and others.


Researching the Unisoc baseband, like in the army
Slava Makkaveev

For the first time, we looked at the Unisoc baseband as a target for security research. We reverse-engineered and fuzzed the implementation of the NAS protocol to find a way to disrupt the device's radio communication with a malformed packet.

Grand Salon